Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Gettin It Crackin Matrix

Some people drink to celebrate. Some people drink to forget. Some people drink because of peer pressure. Some people drink in secret. I think that these four things create a matrix of sorts of which a proper, balanced view of gettin it crackin falls dead in the center.
It is good to celebrate a victory, any victory, no matter how small. Got a promotion at work? Changed your own sparked plugs for the first time? Stumbled to the bathroom at 4 AM without stubbing your toe for the first time in a year? IT'S A CELEBRATION! It becomes a bit immodest, though, when you celebrate everything all the time. Celebrate some large victories and some small ones too. That applies no matter how you celebrate. If you do the cabbage patch every time something good happens it gets old. Eventually you're known as the corny guy in the office who does it wrong every 5 minutes(we all know what the wrong way to cabbage patch looks like).
Many things go wrong in the course of a day. Murphy's Law, right? Drinking to forget the bad things that happen in the course of a day is a slippery slope. It becomes more and more of a crutch because stressors tend to increase as we get older. Compound this with the fact that many families have a history of alcoholism(there's on in every family, no?), I generally try to avoid alcohol when I am stressed because I don't want to head in that direction.
Alcohol is not for everybody. Some people have no tolerance. Some people don't like the taste. It isn't a necessity, so there is no reason to succumb to peer pressure to drink. It doesn't make you cooler. Although the episode of King of Queens when Doug was getting Carrie drunk to make her nicer just popped into my head. Anyhoot, develop some social skills without alcohol.
Don't be a secret drunk either.There's no better and quicker way to hit rock bottom than to have a problem that nobody knows about.
Make sure to stay in the center of The Gettin it Crackin Matrix. Be a combination of these things. Celebrate and move on, but don't forget. Don't succumb to peer pressure, but don't be ashamed of enjoying a good long island. That way, every time you and your friends get it crackin, it will always be a joyful occasion.

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