Thursday, June 2, 2011

Let's Get It Crackin!

Is there a greater phrase in the English language? When you hear somebody say this, you know that 1) it's finally Friday and 2) deliciousness shall ensue. Unless you "get it crackin" all week, in which case it's just a heads up that it's safe to take your flask out. How many people do you know who start their best stories off with "well you know, we had been sippin on xyz all night?" Or how many people have a favorite type of drink that they can't wait to go out and get at the end of the week? Or maybe they go and get one on Wednesday because the week has treated them horribly.

I'm no connoisseur. I can't tell you much about tannins and notes and bouquets and finishes. I know the most important aspect of a good drink though - TASTY! That's what I plan to talk about. I like to try new things. I like to experiments with mixing, being the amateur bartender that I am. I also like to try new places. In all, I fancy myself to be an amateur critic. Maybe I'm just an all-around amateur. Either way, I am intrigued by all things liquor. Whether it be a new brand, a lounge, a resort, or even the history of our favorite beverages, I'm there. Did you know that soldiers in The Revolutionary War were paid in rum? In fact, every civilization in history can be identified partially by what alcoholic beverage they produced. What we drink is a part of who we are. Gettin it crackin is part of what makes us human.

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