Friday, June 3, 2011

The Human Need To Get It Crackin

It seems as though the human need for some form of alcoholic beverage is as strong as the need for survival itself. No matter what the staple civilization has been, someone figured out how to turn what they had into liquor.
No circumstance is too difficult to prevent the creation of alcoholic beverages. No grapes? That's ok, we have these potatoes. Let's make vodka. No potatoes? That's ok, we'll make vodka out of wheat. I'm in prison? That's ok, I'll make some hooch in the toilet. All we have left is water? If only somebody at this wedding feast could miraculously turn it into wine.
Each civilization has found something that it can produce a lot of. They use a portion of it to make some form of bread, and they make the rest into wine. Even honey, which is supposedly the only food that doesn't spoil, has been fermented into mead. Life finds a way. Having a drink is part of life. Therefore people will always find a way to get it crackin!

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